Faith-Based Advocacy

Our faith-based advocacy program is rooted in the gospel. Jesus led His ministry by walking with His disciples daily. We too believe in life on life ministry. What that looks like is personally walking alongside women who’ve been impacted by domestic violence to help them navigate the restorative process, rebuild their lives, and strengthen their relationship with Christ.

Court Advocacy

Oftentimes when a woman is leaving an abusive relationship she has to participate in the legal process. This can be scary and overwhelming. Our advocates are well versed in this process as act guides to help them understand and support them along the way.

Restoration Retreat

Genesis 50:20 says God uses what was meant for harm and turns it into good. When we’re living in survival mode our nervous system is in overdrive, making it difficult to break old habits and make healthy decisions to move forward and thrive. Setting aside a special to be in community with other women who understand and encourage one another is also a catalyst for deep healing. Our survivor restoration retreat is centered on helping women restore more than what was lost and improving their relationship with God, themselves and others beyond measure.

ShesCHERIshed Love Sack

Healing from abuse can be a challenging journey. Our love sacks are intentionally created to offer the love and healing of Christ. Each one contains a brand new Bible, a prayer journal, a gift card for immediate needs, and a few other life-giving treasures to encourage their walk.

Prison Ministry

PSALM 69:33 – The Lord hears the needy and does not despise His captive people. We believe women who are incarcerated deserve support from their sisters in Christ to become fully restored in their relationship with God and their families. Our Heavenly Father can make even the most broken people and situations whole again. Parenting from prison can also be difficult for mothers but very rewarding for them and their children. We believe in helping them replace the cycle of violence with a cycle of renewal.